Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Baby is home

Our little baby, finally come home. Healthily. Recovered.

I just found that, one of my friend's baby son, also had a fever on the same day, and caused by throat infection. Recently there are many viruses around, and the H1N1 still causing a great panic around the world by increasing the dead cases, including Malaysia. Nowadays going out also not safe.

My brother-in-law told us, according to the doctor, they still keep the baby's blood in observation. Probably need to wait until some bacterias or viruses 'grow', then only they can do further testing and checking, to see if there is any other 'problem' inside. It's just a in-depth checking, hopefully they won't find anything there.

It might be so bad that he had to spend his birthday in hospital, but what else is more important than his health and happiness? Birthday celebration, it doesn't matter anymore.

Welcome Back, Boy!

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