Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The best compliment ever: you are so PASSIONATE!

This is a remark from new joiners.
After my sessions to share about Customer1st and CI, when they're asked if the session is boring, they shook their heads and said, it's not boring. I forgot how they answered exactly, but there is one thing I can't forget:

"You are so passionate."

Excuse me??!!

Honestly, I was shocked at the moment when I heard that.
It's the FIRST TIME I heard people saying that I'm passionate.
Even my boss said I'm losing my passion in work.
Now I was told that I'm passionate??

........... Wow...............

And not only one, but both of them, who joined the company on the second day, department on-boarding for the first day, saying that I'm so passionate. It is really a great surprise to me and to me it's just the greatest compliment from the heaven!

Yes, they are new, they are fresh. For them, everything is excited and interesting. But not all of the freshies will feel the "passion" from us and say it out. No matter how it became, I still feel that, it's the BEST compliment I have ever received.

Thanks to Sue-en & Joel See. You have made my day.

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