Friday, February 10, 2012

Expensive transfer

After a half-an-hour time standing and sweating in the hot burning post office in cyber, at the end my $$$ still flew away~~~~

This is the very first time I tried WU to transfer $$$ to another country. I thought it's just easy and not expensive. I was suggested to use WU. And then I visited their website and knew that actually the service is available in post office. And then when I went there, they asked me to fill up a form, with a copy of my photostated IC. And then, they said their operation hour is until 5pm during working days. And then when I used up my working time to visit the post office, they charged me almost the same amount as how much I transferred. what the.............................****! That means it's doubled up of the amount that I would transfer! What kind of service charge is that???

I called their support line, and the little poor English girl couldn't even speak English properly (wonder which country she's from?) and didn't really get my question properly at the beginning. (Really a poor active listening problem.) Until I almost lost my patience in the call, and then as I really didn't like she had a pause between "Ms" and my name (it sounds like she wrote my name somewhere and whenever she wanted to address my name she had to look at it again... =.=). When you keep calling somebody's name and then followed by your words in strong tone, it sounds like you are forcing the other party to listen to you and accept your point.... ok, I'm loosing my words, sentence articulation problem.... the conclusion is, I really don't like the experience, no matter it's from the EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE service charge, or the helpdesk. (OK, now I sounds like I'm a QA to them and doing her CQM..........)

I have no choice but to proceed as they said since all the form had been submitted, I couldn't take back my service charge (and actually I hadn't paid anything yet that moment). And then the receiver emphasized that it's very urgent...

OK, what's done is done. Let bygones be bygones. I'm not going to feel "miserable" with the $$$ that I've paid. And this should be the ONE and ONLY time for me to use this service. Or at least, I'll find another better and cheaper way to make my transfer if necessary.

I can hear my pocket is crying now............................................. T_T

Lesson learned: Do all the research and find all the information before you take action.

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