Sunday, July 22, 2012

My ITIL Class

ITIL, heard of it years ago, and seems a very great name. Especially after many of my friends have attended it and they seemed proud of it also.... so... that's why, I was quite excited when I knew that I had a chance to join the course, together with some anxiety of course.

The course was taken place in a not really remarkable hotel, Shah's Village Hotel at Petaling Jaya. I missed the junction twice when I first drove to the place. And because of this training, I had another chance to take public transports: komuter train and LRT. It's been a long time since I visited KL Sentral, and I realized that it doesn't have much changes. But the komuter train really impressed me, the service has improved a lot, but hopefully they kept it consistently and continuously.

As usual, I met different people from different companies, states even country (one from Qatar) in the class. But something very strange, this time, I never take any contact from those I don't know. From my last experience, our connection and interaction actually just ended after the course, even if I added them into my FB, it won't make any difference, I believe.

Anyhow, I really enjoyed the class. And one good thing about having training is: you won't feel hungry. They will not only serve you lunch, but also morning tea break and afternoon tea break. That's what I like during training time also.

About the exam.................................... allow me to say......................... I have > 90% to pass, but still I reserve another 10% for ........ just in case.

Santhia, Donavan, Sean, Aida, Aidi, Yvonne..... although I didn't get any contact from you, I'm still glad to have you as my classmate during the 3-day training time. And I really enjoyed chatting with you, listened to what you have experienced and what you are doing. I believe that we could have chance to meet again in the future. Bless You All!! And wish that we will all pass our exam! Yey~~!

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