Saturday, December 8, 2012

My First CSS - Dec 2012

After almost 2 years in the team, this is my first time, handling the CSS by myself, alone. With only my boss came in for a few minutes and helped with some quiz questions.

Previously I wasn't confident enough to handle this longest training we have in the center, especially I'm such a careless and always lose focus type of person. And I can't really handle difficult situations, challenging questions, problem attendees, fighting attendees............... etc. But surprisingly, it went quite well and I managed to finish the class without any mistake. Of course, thanks for the attendees for active participation and co-operations. Anyhow I know there are dead air, boring moment sometimes, but finally, everything goes fine.

It was so excited to be a trainer, for me it's more to an experience sharing moment, I share what I have learnt and also at the same time, listen to their stories. It was fun and interesting. I'm glad that I volunteered to take this chance as the trainer for this month, and I'm appreciate for those who joined my class, for being nice to me~~ hehe!

As a result of the survey, 94% satisfaction, not bad. As a first time CSS trainer, it's just meet my expectation. And from one of the feedback, what he likes the most is: the effort from the trainer. OMG~~ thanks for appreciating my effort, hahahaha! But I also hope that you gain something from the 3 days.

If I have chance to do it again, I'll try, although it's really tiring by standing and talking for 3 days.

By the way, CSS stands for Customer Service Skills. :)

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