Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baby's diet

My brother-in-law always afraid that his little son will get overweight, because he had seen some of the “Michelin” babies, their parents thought that baby has to eat more to grow faster. My nephew doesn’t really eat much actually, can you imagine a almost 2 year old toddler, still gulping 160ml of milk (sometimes add some rice cereal) in every 3 hours? One of my friend’s baby girl has already gulped 120ml milk in every 3~4 hours.

Nevertheless, whenever he went to the pediatrics, he is always found healthy and in normal weigh. If he is grown underweight, probably he would need to take duocal to put on some weight for a well-balanced diet.


Lu Ee said...

Both my bro and I were under weight when young, hahaha... But I still think that ur brother in-law worried a bit too much lah. as ur bb at home seems quite skinny rite?!

Yoke Fun said...

The bb doesn't look 白白胖胖, we thought that he looks a bit skinny.... but luckily pediatrician said he's in normal weight...