News (In Chinese): 新闻:少女無端成“援交妹”‧面書遭盜用‧社交網站變禍害
If you own a facebook account, and you don't really update it or even access it, please be careful and actually
it would be better for you to delete the account because it seems you don't really need it.
Nowadays there are hackers everywhere, the victim in the news above, she didn't aware that the hacker used her account to publish some message that she is the compensated dating girl, they published her contact number, even the 'price' of each 'service'. And the worst thing is, the owner didn't even notice about it. Until one day she found that how come her friends list suddenly reduced so much (got unfriended), and then after she received a call from her boyfriend then only he realized thing goes serious.
You know what, these hackers, they can use your account to post something from you, and you NEVER know about it. They hide the post from the owner, that's why you won't realize actually you posted something bad on your wall. I also realized that previously some of my friends had posted a link to the porn message or videos, I didn't really knew that they were 'interested' in such thing, then I checked with them and screenshot the post to them, then only they found that their accounts were hacked!
Scary huh? So friends, if you see me posting something 'fishy' or 'weird' in FB, please remind me, since I may not aware of it myself. And the most important thing is: DON'T BELIEVE IT!! I never interested in something bad (or porn).
In the news, the victim said that they have reported this to the Facebook Admin a few times but the same thing happened again and again. It seems that it's also something out of their control.
Now I've made it a habit to change my password from time to time, but still I know there are many "holes" for them to get in, but at least I've done the most I could.
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