Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Lotus Race Car

This is the Lotus race car I saw months ago. When I saw it, I was rushing to somewhere and had no time to see clearly about the car design and its description. I just had a glance and had time to take a shot of it.

As known that the Lotus company is owned by one Malaysian company now. But as we know that, if you can tell the most popular racing car in the world, it should be Ferrari, McLaren, Lamborghini, or even BMW. Lotus? I never heard of it until I read a its news from the press.

I'm not sure what is the model for these cars, just have a check from the web, if not mistaken it a Europa S series. We can seldom see race cars on the road especially in the city, even in the highway with the highest speed limit is 110km/h, I don't think race car can show off their performance here.

However, it looks nice from the outward
appearance. I wonder what makes it competitive to the other well-known race cars, maybe they're targetting different kind of driver or race car fans.

If you could afford it, will you buy one of this?

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