Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Boy Boy first day in Kindergarten

Boy Boy finally go to kindergarten. He joined at 5yo so he only studies 2 years.

First day of school, no cries, no scares, no shouts. Just a curious face looking around at his 'classmates' who were crying and shouting aloud for mommy. One boy was sobbing on his chair, one didn't allow his mom to leave..... all adults were crowding outside of the classrooms. Not only the little boys and girls, but also the adults were so excited (including me of course... haha!).

For him, he's considered 'stable' and calm. As a super-active boy like him, he actually can't sit still in a space for more than 30 mins, but glad that he could settle himself in the class for 2 hours (lesser hours for 'orientation' day, normal school time is 3 hours).

It's a good start and I wish he can enjoy his schooling time in the future.

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