Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Talk, Talk, Talk

First talk, with the "upper boss". In the morning, she pinged me for a small talk. Good thing about her is, she is much more understanding. The way that she talks is very convincing, dependable and trustworthy. At least she expressed it that way.

He was quite shocked looking when I told him that I had a talk with her, then kept asking me what we had talked. Of course I didn't tell him everything. I don't think he could get my point entirely, that's why I don't really like to talk to him, if I could. But the good thing is, at least he cannot really object all my words. It's good to let him know that, I actually have another channel to voice out my words, you are not the only one.

Before going back, I talked to K. She told me something hidden from her heart that she didn't really want to share with others. By telling me so, I knew that I cannot keep her with us anymore, but the good thing is, at least I know that there is nothing wrong with us, nor with the team, it's just she has to make this decision.

Actually I really feel grateful to be able to work with great people in my life. How many manager would tell you, working is just your secondary life. Manager is not an unreachable point to me. I have an understanding boss, although the 'not-really-understanding' dai-goh and 'not-really-performing' people had always let me down. It's good that at least there are good people around you.

I have done my best, I have tried everything. If thing is not changed, it's not my responsibility. The boss has told me that, and it relieves me.

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