Friday, December 24, 2010

Please get well~~

It's 4am in the morning. My parents are still staying aside with my nephew, keeping him cold by rubbing his body with wet clothes.

After getting back from the hospital, his condition doesn't seem improve. He has taken the fever medicine, but his body temperature is still remains at around 38C. And just a few minutes ago, he had another fit again, this time I witnessed the thing happened. It was so scary to see his body is trembling on the bed, and you felt helpless because nothing you can do. Dad and Mum are still trying to cold down his body, the fit just last for a few seconds this time, but still it scared us up.

I gave sis a call, we wonder if we could at least persuade the hospital to let him stays in the hospital for one night for observation. Now everyone cannot really rest because of too worry about him. Mum is on call with sis again, maybe after sunrise, we will bring him back to the hospital if his condition is still not getting well.

Please, get well! And Xuan Xuan, you also need to 加油!

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