Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2010~~!!

Happy New Year 2011~~!!

It's another new chapter of this century. We have past 11 years after millennium.

2010 had been a quite difficult year to the world, natural disasters are getting worse. Many countries are having earthquakes, volcanic eruption, typhoon, rain storm, snow storm, tornados..... it seems that the news never stop. I really hope that such disaster can be reduced or even 0 disaster in 2011, if possible.

For me, it's quite an emotional year in my workspace. People come people go, and we are keep having different points of view to different things, and trying so hard to reach a consensus. We are trying to work things out, it's just our way of doing things could hardly be the same. Last year, Susan, Jeff had left, Bruce joined. And finally, I can put down my "TL" title and move on to my new role. Hopefully everything will be ok in this year.

Last year the only family trip that we had is my Singapore visit with my parents. This year, I hope that we can visit a further country, let's say China.

Wishing you ALL THE BEST to all my family and friends~~!!

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