Saturday, November 5, 2011

Another scary night

It's about the same time in the year, almost every year the little boy is attacked by high fever.

He was normal during daytime, but when it comes to night, his body temperature is increasing, it was once up to 40ºC. And the worst happened: he was in a fever fit (info from Wiki).

His body became stiff and the arms and legs started twitching. His eyes opened but no focus, it's like losing conscious. I was terrified when seeing this, dad was holding his body, mum kept rubbing his body with wet towel to cool down his temperature. I asked mum to keep talking to him and get his response. I'm really scared that the heat had damaged his brain.

He was brought to the hospital once in the morning actually, but the paed said it's not a big matter, no need to admit to hospital, just monitor at night and if he's in high fever again just use a wet towel rubbing his body to cool him down. Finally the fits stopped, but his body temperature was still 38ºC. Anyhow, since he has calm down and they decided to bring him back to the hospital for further checking.

Next day evening, we went back to UM Hospital. It's totally not happy to tell but the fact is, this is the place we almost visit every year until we are familiar with it. We know how to walk from the ward to cafe, and car park, although it's usually a few blocks away.

The little boy was staying in the hospital for overnight under observation. There is a new block for children's ward, and we almost got ourselves lost in the building. As usual, mum and sis were staying overnight with boy-boy together, and we were busy packing from the house and back to hospital again. Until I finally back home it's almost 3am.

He's back home now, stable and normal. His body temperature never increased when he was in the ward. Doctor said according to their record, boy-boy never had fits in the hospital. OK, so does he mean that it's my house problem?

Anyhow, I'm glad that the whole family can have a good night sleep finally. My mum's thumb was hurt as he bit it when my mum tried to feed him medicine at the night when he was having fits. Until now I can still remember the scary moments. I understands so I don't mind if he pushed me away at home and shouted "don't want yi-yi~!" (actually I never really get bothered, :P he's like a king in my house). He can still shout and scream, that means he's ok. I was relieved when I saw his smiling face and laughters. It is really terrifying to imagine that you may lose his lovely smile.

Thank god he's alright, and thanks for everyone who has taken care of him~!!

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