Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Avengers: Gathering of heroes

Marvel's Avengers Official Website

I've seen some comments from my friends that this movie is not really that good. However, after I watched the movie, I really enjoyed it and think that it's really great. See, if you want to watch so many action heroes together in one movie, some of them might be lost in focus, but it's just quite good that everyone have their shares of the scenes. Some might think that Ironman may take the major role, but you see, he's not the first one who appeared, and at the end he also needs to listen to the command from Captain America.

Frankly, I really don't know who is the Black Widow and the archer. For that archer, I even saw he was called "Legolas" in one of the scene, from the subtitle. And from his action, it reminds me of the cute archer in "Lord of the Rings", his name also Legolas. Of course I agree that archers are smart, but it's hard to be a single hero, because their arrows are limited, and the problem is, they can't be reused.

When you think that if all the heroes are working together to save the world, not a single alien could attack the earth. But, that's just the problem: they can't work together. Every hero has their own character, own style and own skill, how are they able to cooperate and work together? So it's what happen to this movie, they had conflict and fought with each other, at the first battle, they were separated and lost.

At the end of the movie, it seems that the Captain America has taken the commander role, but still all of them have used their own power to fight back the aliens. It sounds so "cartoon" and funny but it's how it goes.

Good thing about this movie is, we can still see some funny scenes from it, audiences laughed at certain scenes, and it really helped to make this movie more interesting.

I would rate this movie a 4 star out of 5. I can see that they are going to make the episode 2 of this movie, but their enemy is already an alien this time, so what would be the next? another species of alien? I'll see that.

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