Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lousy driver

It's provoking and maddening. Some bastard driver who being so careless that caused my dad to fall from the bike, and then only paid RM30 for compensation! My dad went to the clinic nearby and paid RM50 for the medication, he still lost RM20!!

It's too bad my dad didn't take down the fella's phone number and car plate number, otherwise I would have called and asked him to pay for all these!

The other reason also because my dad didn't feel anything bad after the accident, and he still rode here and there for a few hours until he came back home in the evening. And when he came back, he asked me if I'm free on the next day to bring him to hospital for a more detailed check-up. I was a bit shocked when hearing that he actually fell down from the bike and got himself hurt, now feeling quite painful at collarbone side. Without hesitating, I decided to ask brother to drive us to the nearest government hospital rightaway, he would have a terrible pain if he waited until the next day.

Good thing is, after seeing the doctor and x-ray scanning, it's just a small scratch on the bone, no severe injury. They treated his wound on the back on his left hand, and also his left leg.

But still, he was terribly suffered from the intense pain at night, any single movement will cause a sharp of stinging pain. He couldn't even move from one position to another, even after he took the pain killer. It went better on the next day, and now he's not feeling that painful anymore, but he still feels painful when he lies down on the bed and tries to get up. It gives the pressure to his arm and shoulder, which will cause the pain to his collarbone.

I don't know which bastard was it who did this, but I really really want to warn those samseng drivers or young drivers, be more careful on the road, it's not only your lives are hanging there, but also you are threatening other people's lives. Now my dad is suffering but where is the fella now?? Will he feel guilty by doing this? I just feel angry as can't do anything more to help.

Just wish that my dad will recover very soon.

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