Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mid-autumn Festival & my nephew

This year's Mid-autumn fell on Saturday. It should be fun because we didn't have to work on the next day and my sister's family were not 'balik kampung'. But still, because we had late dinner, by the time we started to hang the lantern and lit up some candles, it's already almost midnight.

Boy Boy was so happy running around, playing with the electronic lantern that my sis bought him. Watching me line up the candles in the garden, hung all the lanterns on the clothesline. This is the first time he is with us on this day.

After all these years, we have forgotten the true meaning of the festivals. Besides family reunion, what are the purposes and meaning that we celebrating the festivals, like Mid-autumn? Many friends of mine are no longer playing lanterns and candles in Mid-autumn night, except those have kids. Other than having a family dinner and then back to their own activities, what these Chinese traditional festivals really mean to them?

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