Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tokyo Street @ Pavilion Kuala Lumpur

I just had a visit to Pavilion this afternoon. It's just opened yesterday and you may find many things from Japan from here.

About the price, since it's in Pavilion, and it's from Japan, you can't expect it to be so cheap. However, you may also find some lower price merchandise here. Such as Daiso, everything in the shop is RM5. The milk tea also you can get as low as RM4.90 per cup.

When I visited there, I watched Japan traditional dance and Kendo performance. What impressed me is the spirit and strong culture that shown in their performance.不需要太多的技巧和花式,不需要哗众取宠的动作,他们的每一个表演,都很浓厚地散发了日本文化的精髓和气息。

Wishing Cards
Mochi Sweets
Japan traditional dance
Kendo 剑道



chooi peng said...

you should try the ramen 山头火, that one really from hokkaido! other, i found that most are not from Japan!

Yoke Fun said...

oh really? hehe... never really know about it. thanks~~ will try it next time.

SE Tan said...

Great! I always ask and bring my foreign friends here! They like it!