Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Change, New Hope

It's definitely a big change in the history, not only to the USA itself, but also to the world.

Congratulations to Barrack Obama, who has just been chosen to become the next President of United States of America. It's not easy for an African-American to live in USA, don't even mention become their president. But as a miracle, Obama has done it.

I'm not an Obama fan, I don't really listen to his speech either. But the thing is, he has brought us a new hope, just like what he said, everything is possible.

For a country like us, where putting signboards in other languages will get sued, should learn from them. They used to be discriminate to the black people, but now, it's their choice for a 'black president'.

How long do we still need to take, for those diehard racist to face the fact that, we are in a multi-racial country?

1 comment:

526Gemini said...

mmm, if u r capable u might not afraid of changes but what if u r incapable??!

Like our friends, they like to object just because of they r afraid ...