Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My signature is on

Finally, with all the question marks covered my head, I still made up my mind, put my signature on that 'shits' of papers.

I'm not that kind of 'fighter', I know there is something unfair around here, but I really don't know what can I do. I don't know how to fight for my right, I'm tired of all these fights and arguments and disappointment... now what I'm focus on, is how can I get my job done and train up the newbies, until I could 'retreat'......

I was really lost before I made my decision. I need some helpful advice. Until I talked to HK. After talking to her, I think I have to give up all the useless fight. I can't really do anything after all. And now I just hope that there will not be any negative outcome happened to us, and no more shocking news to impact on me, so that I can continue working peacefully.

About the PM, nothing better can be expected from him. It'd be the best if there is nothing crazy from him...

The future? unknown. Just keep on my work and see...

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