Monday, January 25, 2010

Thank you for your greetings and wishes!!

I wanted to take an AL today actually, as what I did last year. That time while FB was still not that popular... I wanted to give myself a break. This year, however, is not easy for me to do so as we are lack of people, and I could expect that the PM sure will ask me to monitor the newbies, today they'll start on board.

Anyhow, I'm glad that even though I have to work on my 'big day', I still receive a lot of greetings and wishes from my co-workers and friends. I had a great lunch from my lunch buddies, wonderful dinner from my mum... nice video-chatting with my best friend... this had brightened my day!

I would like to thank you all those who had sent me your wishes, greetings and lunch, I feel warm and grateful. I'm glad to have all of you as my friends!

My lunch at Sri Penang, treated by my lunch buddies... ^^

My bday 'presents' from my teammates... nice leh!

My bday cake, bought by mum...

 The food today, including my dinner, home cooked by mum.

p/s: If I have to mention something that ruined my good feeling, then it has to be my PM. He didn't give me any greeting nor wish, it's fine for me, but he even said something that upset me in some aspects... I've told him to be more humanize to his subordinates, but it seems that we are still having communication barriers. But I don't care what he thinks and says about me, I have received 20~30 greetings and wishes from my friends today, this is enough to kick away all the bad feelings.


Debbie Y said...

Happy Belated Birthday, my dear!!! So many thing happened until i completely have no mood to blog-hop.

I'll treat u a good meal when u come to JB. :P

Yoke Fun said...

Thanks buddy~~!!