Sunday, June 6, 2010

Our little angel

It's been quite a while I didn't update anything about the little one staying in my house.

He's still naughty, he's still hyper-active, he's still throwing things, he's still having a bad temper, yet, he's still very cute and adorable, and we are still loving him so much.

His speaking skill is still not improving much, although we are teaching him everyday. But at least he is learning little by little and almost finish pronouncing the 26 letters.

This little one is good at calling his grandma and aunt (me~~ ^O^Y) also, the whole day are buzzing you with "ah boh!" and "yi yi!" but the good thing is, he's learning his words and he cares about us. Our challenge now is, how to make him more behaves... (headache...)

1 comment:

Debbie Y said...

I'm sure it's going to be very headache when come about behavior.