Monday, June 21, 2010

Sick... again

I had got a 'perfect attendance' award in 2008. Never had sick leave for a year. Now, no more. Today I take another day of MC just within 6 moonths.

I don't know what is the cause of the problem, maybe I did have a very bad eating habit, like always OT and stayed in the office until over my dinner time, and went back home no more appetite.

I had only vomited twice very seriously as far as I remember (maybe after I graduated from school?), the first time was in a few years back, when I started to hurt my stomach by not eating well. That time when I felt sick, I could hardly eat anything, even drank water would make me vomited. That was a very terrible experience in my life. Now, second time. I threw up almost everything I had put into my mouth at dinner. But actually I didn't really eat anything.

Today, I slept for almost the whole day. Got high fever in the afternoon while I was taking a nap, but when I woke up, the heat was gone... I really don't know if tomorrow I still can go to work, but I think I'm feeling better now, hopefully tomorrow I'll have more energy to work.

And I try not to OT again.

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