Sunday, August 8, 2010


Inception Official Website

I don't really know exactly what is the theory, technology and concept what does it mean in this movie, the only thing I can feel after watching this, is that this is quite scary... the scariest part is not about accessing people's dream, is at the end of day, the extractor himself will forget which is dream which is reality. Then it'll be like Mal, Cobb's wife, get herself lost in the dream world and never come back to the reality.

I have dreams almost everyday, but most of them I forgot after I woke up, not even a single scene. Even though it was so clear while I was in it, and I could even remember the touch, the feel, the smell inside my dream. It's like I have been going to another world with a real experience. Sometimes I realized that it was a dream, but most of the time I wasn't.

If you can access to people's dream, who would you wish to access and what would you do? It's full of excitement and imagination, isn't it?

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