Monday, January 14, 2008

National Treasure 2

He is Ben Gates. The treasure hunter, main character in National Treasure 2: The Book of Secrets, acted by Nicholas Cage.

I haven't watched the first episode yet, so I don't know what's the story is all about previously. This movie, I have read some if the reviews before I watched it. Most of them did not have high rate for it, especially they're more critical about its storyline -- nothing new. But some of my friends who have watched it all said it's a very exciting and entertaining movie.

For me, it's really a very exciting movie, I'm so impressed on its action and compaction. However, if you consider of the reality, there are some inconceivable plots that don't make any sense. One example, is it so easy to get into the President's office? Another example, is it so easy to 'kidnap' the President and make him believe in you and you can escape from it? Even if he's the best treasure hunter, doesn't mean that he is a superman.

Anyway, despite all the unreasonable scene, as an action movie, it's definitely a entertaining and exciting movie. Nicholas Cage is still one of my favourite movie star.

By the way, it reminds me of the "Davinci Code"........

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