Monday, July 7, 2008

Com'on lah! Walau eh!

Com'on lah! Walau eh!

Yes, this is the 'famous catchphrase' that I can hear almost everyday in the office, LOUD and CLEAR!

Yes, I'm working in a call center that should be in silence all time so that you won't disturb others.

Yes, we always wonder why this guy still can continue his 'performance' everyday, showing how close he is with the customers and support team, everyday talk loud loud like afraid nobody can hear him clearly.

Yes, I believe one day if we really cannot 'tahan' (bear) then somebody among us may send them a complain letter, because this fella really disturbing others.

But so far, it seems nobody is taking any action, or there is any 'story' behind that is unknown by us? or maybe he got something that even his manager or team lead is afraid of him? If his OM and TL is not stupid that they should know that he's a big disturbing fella.

OK, I'll tolerate now and be patient. Time will only tell what will be happen to him in the future.

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