Monday, October 18, 2010

My critical month again

It seems like the more you are out of budget, the more money you need to spend, it’s just like a curse or what. Just like this month, I thought I want to save some money, so I control my expenses.

However, yesterday I went to find the “cheap parking” as what I was told by my JP classmate, end up I had to spend RM20 for 4 hours parking (parked in a hotel, I really deserved it!). And today, I went for a major car service, and it costs me almost RM600! And I have to travel to Singapore next month some more, I really don’t know how am I going to clear my next credit card bill!

I think instead of keep thinking how to save money, I should think of buying some gold coins for investment. At least with its high returns and low risk, I could increase my income and no need to control my expenses anymore.

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