Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Morning shock

I was almost knocked by the crazy bus driver in the morning, when I rushed to the front door after the bus approached. I don't know if he's really so stupid or did it purposely, as a bus driver, he should know that within this period there are a lot of passengers, especially foreign workers. But still, they tends to come late, and somemore did something dangerous to us, for example, dangerous driving.

I was stopped at one moment, but suddenly stepped on the accelerator, the bus suddenly move to the front, and I was just right in front of it, luckily he quickly stepped on the break again. But I still had a sudden shock. The driver apologized to me after we stopped at the bus station, but asked me to be more careful next time.

The fear is still lingering in my mind, actually it's quite dangerous when you have to rush with a crowd of graceless people, not only you might get hurt, you are still exposing yourself to the pick pockets. I really need to think of getting my own transport rather than afraid of the same thing might happen again.

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